

Notice of my Blog in English Jan. 21, 2022

Jan.21, 2022

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well.

First of all, six months have already passed since I established ‘Tsuji Business Support Office’ on July 1 last year. I would like to express my sincere thanks for your kind support during this period.

The purpose of establishing my office is my desire that I would like to dispatch my message as a free ground, based on my knowledge, experience and various personal connections, which have been cultivated through my business carrier more than 50 years. From such point of view, it was a great honor that I had opportunities to give a lecture of my ‘thoughts’ at various occasion. And I have delivered my Blog once a week (on Friday), and number of my Blog was 24 at the end of last year. I will continue to do this in future.

In addition, as one of business contents in our office, ‘consulting service for foreign companies that want to enter the Japanese market’ is listed. In order to go along with such purpose, I decided to publish English version of my Blog from this year. Please find attached URL and QR code as below and on the right. I am quite happy that you will access it, and it will be a little help for your understanding of the situation of Japan and my thoughts.

The above is my notice, and I do hope you will continue to give me further guidance and encouragement.                            

Sincerely yours,               

Takashi Tsuji 