
Re: The importance of fostering human resources (1) ~ My memory of Institute for International Studies and Training ~ June 3, 2022 

During my work at Ube Industries, Ltd., in 1970, at the age of 28, when the Osaka Expo was held, I was dispatched to an international human resources training institute called Institute for International Studies and Training (located in Fujinomiya, Shizuoka Prefecture) from the company as a trainee for one year. This institute was established as a fifty-fifty joint venture between Japanese Government (the Ministry of International Trade and Industry at that time) and the financial circles, and I was the second-term student. Dispatched trainees were 120 persons of about the same aged as me from various government offices and the business world. As for a study of Languages, the second language was an essential in addition to English, and I chose Chinese. There were only about 10 students in Chinese language class, but it seems that the class was more than the total next year. Because in July 1971 during my study, Mr. Kissinger who was the Secretary of State of the United States at that time, visited China dramatically, and the Chinese boom occurred at one stroke due to a sign of US-China détente.
And I have a lot of memories during training period, and I have been getting along with my classmates at that time. I think that “exchange among different industries” and “nurture of internationally-minded persons” are actually required for Japan. In addition, Fujinomiya campus of the said institute was closed in 1992, and the name of institute is changed to a “Center of International Economic Collaboration”, too.

And as one of my unforgettable memories, His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince and Her Imperial Highness the Crown Princess Michiko, the emperor emeritus and the empress emeritus at present, visited there. At that time, I relaxed, and at the same time, read at the library when Their Imperial Highnesses visited the institute. Their Imperial Highness’s party got closer to me, and spoke to me. At that day, I wore casual clothing like rolling up the sleeves of my shirt and not passing the belt through my pants. Even now when I remember that, I am ashamed of my myself, even though it was unexpected.
In addition, this situation was reported in Shizuoka newspaper the next day.
The real thing of this newspaper is not left, and I picked up the article from the microfilm of the said newspaper publishing company. I transcribe only article which I can read, because the wording and picture published at that time, which was in fact showing only my back, are not clear.

■An extract of the article of Shizuoka newspaper dated June 7, 1971
The Crown Prince and the Crown Princess arrived at Mishima station by the outbound Shinkansen Kodama at 12:36 in the afternoon on June 6, and visited Institute for International Studies and Training.
The said institute is an institution which fosters an “internationally-minded person” who can be engaged in international economic activity mainly trade. 120 elites of famous companies in Japan receive training of language (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian and Chinese) and strive for studying of international ability. It is located in southwest foot of Mt. Fuji near Shiraito Falls, and blessed with nature. And it has an excellent language training room, library, and so on.
Their Imperial Highnesses got off a car at 1:42 in the afternoon, and after taking 20 minutes break, Their Imperial Highnesses observed library and language laboratory with the chairman Horie’s guide. The Crown Prince wore a white jacket, and the Crown Princess wore a silver-grey suit with a white vest and put on an orange hat. Their Imperial Highnesses were refreshing figures and spoke with trainees friendly.
Their Imperial Highnesses entering the library were interested in about 8 thousand books including foreign books, and after seeing a book room, spoke friendly with trainees resting in the library including Mr. Takashi Tsuji at the age of 28 about their hometown, company’s name and so on. Mr. Tsuji studying Chinese as the second language was asked “What kind of study are you doing?” “Chinese pronunciation must be difficult. “and so forth. 
Mr. Tsuji and others spoken to by Their Imperial Highnesses talked with tense looks even after Their Imperial Highnesses left such as “I was surprised at the questions getting to the point which seemed that Their Imperial Highnesses do not know unless studying. I could speak what I think because Their Imperial Highnesses spoke in a friendly manner.”
At a dining room dropping in finally, Their Imperial Highnesses had a friendly talk with 50 to 60 trainees, and departed the institute at 3:32 in the afternoon.

(P.S.) I worry about the trend of Chinese economy. As you know, it is said that the coronavirus infection started in Wuhan, China at the beginning of the year before last or before that. But China does not accept it. And from the beginning Chinese Government has dealt with a city-wide lockdown as measures to prevent the spread of infection. This policy seemed to be successful for the time being, and China declared “this was a victory of the Communist Party”.
However, China could not prevent the spread of infection of the Omicron variant mutating after that. In Shanghai, the largest economic city in China, a city-wide lockdown had been carried out for two months, and finally on June 1 the lockdown was basically lifted. Due to this policy, supply chain clogging has occurred, and it has a huge direct or indirect effect on not only Chinese economy but also countries in the world including Japan. In China, “what the Communist Party is doing is all correct” is considered absolutely true, and changing an established policy means “admitting its mistake” and it never happens. I feel fright and danger of a totalitarian country.

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